Wednesday, March 6, 2019

The Gospel According to Us



You probably know all the Big Names.  Origen.  Augustine.  Luther.  Calvin.  That Billy Graham guy.

But you don't know Vee or Kris or Doug or Marie or Jerry or Sally or Josh or the rest of us.  That's because we aren't Big Names.  We're just small voices, nearly inaudible murmurs amid the noise of seven billion humans.  The planet's big. There's no way you could know us.

You're on this page, though, so that's about to change.

There's no denying that the Big Names above shaped the infrastructure of Christendom.  We owe them a lot.  However, the daily presence of Christ on Earth is made real today through the individual journeys of the little people.

Every single person you meet on this page over the coming months is a living, breathing Gospel.  We're carriers of a story of Good News -- how God is in our lives, and how God has made those lives better. Easier?  Maybe not.  More peaceful?  Perhaps on the inside more than the out.  Perfect in every way, with stellar health, boundless wealth, model families, and effortless charm?

Yeah.  Right.

The contributors here are members of the First United Church of Christ SL, a church that exists only within the boundaries of the virtual world known as Second Life.  Please don't let that fool you into thinking we're a "pretend" church.  We have full standing in our mainline Protestant denomination, as the About Us info on this page explains.  We have our own ordained clergy who minister to us from thousands of miles away from each other.  We're close friends and prayer partners, even though many of us have never met in person.  We help grow the Kingdom of God here on Earth, even though we'll never own property on the planet.

We'll never be Big Names.  We won't change the ebb and flow of religion.  But maybe our stories, told in our smaller voices, will be able to reach your heart.  For us, that would be still more Good News to light the world.

~ Yoli Ramirez, page editor

P.S.: If you are unfamiliar with the United Church of Christ, here's one of my favorite commercials put out by the denomination, "The Language of God":

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